Monday, July 26, 2010

Our Group of the Week presentation was a success!

We got a lot of great feedback and comments from our GOTW presentation on Thursday!

We spent the whole day setting things up, and it went very smoothly :)

We set up one of the houses in the other room and put on our question videos, along with the sound recording of "psychedelic" as people walked in.

We also had projections of birds all along the walls:

The sound stops and our "home videos" start to play on the house. Then begins a reflection narrative (written by all of us, put together and performed by nate), and I was improvising with him live on my electric violin. We were behind the wall in the other room and we were amplified and microphoned so that we could be heard and not seen. Here's a pic before the presentation doing sound check:

After we were finished, each of us came out through the closet door on the side of the room and talked about the following topics: Experience, Video, Audio, Maps/Model, and Construction. 

After the Question and Answer session was over, we invited everyone to go around and check out the model of the armory that we have (finally) completed! Ta-da:

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